L'Officiel latvija april-may 2023
"Uzpūšot uz ādas Tansu Silk, tā pārklājas ar perlamutrīgu sandalkoka patinu, kas lēni iesūcas porās, izlaižot sev cauri spilgtu un smaržīgu, vēl mazliet zaļu aprikožu noti. Tas ir os- mants – pasakains zieds ar aprikožu smaržu. Vien doma par to, ka fantazētāja daba ir ko tādu radījusi, spēj uzlabot gara- stāvokli. Izsmidzinot maigo dūmaku, saproti, ko izjūt cilvēks, pirmoreiz uzvilcis tērpu no visplānākā zīda, par kura esību agrāk nebija pat nojautis".
fragrantica on 01.01.2024
"In 2023, a curious perfume brand was established in Sweden. Nose Republic came out with six fragrances that represent inspiring stories alluded to by a list of words written on each fragrance's box. One of the words is Russian, since the Nose Republic's founder, Xenia Golovanova, is a fellow Russian."

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“Its opening features a juniper-peppery freshness reminiscent of gin and the bubbles of a bitter tonic. At its heart lies an icy lily, as if enveloped in the "smoke" of liquid nitrogen. Wait, or is that the smoke of incense, burned in a frozen church on Candlemas, where the burning candles offer only a ghostly hope of warmth? In the base, there is the scent of freshly frosted white sheets. Flawless aldehydic purity.”

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